Why do people say a “crazy cat lady?” and never say a “crazy cat gentleman”?
Men like cats no less than women do, as we know by Our website visitor statistics and by Our previous research.
The genius El Greco painted one of these devoted male cat lovers, hugging his cat with his left hand:
Some art historians think that the man was one-handed, as We don’t see his other hand, although he should definitely support such a heavy cat with it.
Others think that it’s the scene of taking an oath because of the position of the knight’s hands. So the fat cat played a role in something sacred, worth taking an oath on. That is true!
Thus speaks Zarathustra the Cat
By the way, just compare Our true version of El Greco’s masterpiece with th commonly known one, at Prado Museum in Madrid, and you’ll see immediately what version is the right one:
P.S. The true version of El Greco’s masterpiece “The Nobleman with his Cat on his Chest” was for the first time revieled in Our book:
Fat Cat Art: Famous Masterpieces Improved by a Ginger Cat with Attitude
There are more other important discoveries to be found there!
Do you and your cat and art loving friends have it already?