Today, We, Zarathustra the Cat reveal the true version of the famous Vincent van Gogh’s painting “The Siesta” which appeared to be featuring giant cats guarding a couple of peasants’ midday rest:

Vincent van Gogh, The Siesta with Guardians Cats
Vincent van Gogh painted it between December 1889 and January 1890 while he was interned in a mental asylum in the French town of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence.
Of course, he heeded positive emotions there, so he invited Us to pose:

Vincent van Gogh, The Siesta with Guardians Cats, Zarathustra the Cat
In Our turn, We summoned from the future Our disciple Tyger Blake. He sat for the great painter watching attentively at how he worked:

Vincent van Gogh, The Siesta with Guardians Cats, Zarathustra the Cat, Tyger Blake
In the masterpiece, cats are protecting the peasant’s rest. Tyger Blake tenderly hugs the tired woman.
His other paw lays on a sickle symbolizing his sharp claws ready to panish everyone who would dare to ruin a peaceful scene.

Vincent van Gogh, The Siesta with Guardians Cats, peasants hugged by Tyger
Van Gogh chose as his theme the siesta while referring directly to the painting of the same name by French painter Jean-François Millet

Jean-François Millet, The Siesta
Of course, Van Gogh needed to improve the painting, and he did it, by cats!
But he was at the asylum at that time, and doctors suggested that he was having insane fantasies about the giant cats-guardians.
So he created another version which doctors approved as more realistic. You can see it in Musée d’Orsay:

Vincent van Gogh, The Siesta, Musée d’Orsay
Now you see that the genius Van Gogh was right!
Harvest and peasants’ peace need to be protected!
The world needs the giant guardians cats!
Thus speaks Zarathustra the Celestial Guardian Cat